Bassett Family Association Database

Charles I. Parker


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  • Name Charles I. Parker 
    Gender Male 
    _UID BA24D76080033649BBFEF2C8E0C75AE570F8 
    • The Berkshire County Eagle
      Wednesday, August 27, 1952
      Mrs. Jennie Parker
      Mrs. Jennie E. Parker, 79, widow of Charles I. Parker of Williamstown, died yesterday afternoon at the Sweet Brook Nursing Home in Williamstown after a short illness.
      Born in Garfield, New York, July 18, 1873, daughter of Wilson and Harriet Eldridge Bassett, she had lived in Williamstown for 31 years. For many years Mr. and Mrs. Parker operated the inn on the Mount Hope Farm. Miss Parker was a member of Pittsfield Grange 14 and Berkshire County North Pomona 6.
      Survivors are a sister, Mrs. Robert F. Williams, and a brother, Garfield Bassett, both of Pittsfield, and several nieces and nephews.
      Funeral services will be held at the Wellington Funeral Home Friday afternoon at 2. Burial will be in the Garfield (New York) cemtery.
      The family will meet friends at the funeral home tonight and tomorrow evening from 7 to 9.
    Person ID I86  54B Edward Bassett of Rennselaer County, New York
    Last Modified 26 Feb 2013 

    Family Jennie E. Bassett,   b. 18 Jul 1873, Garfield, New York Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Aug 1952, Williamstown, Massachusetts Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 79 years) 
    Family ID F30  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart