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1910 Federal Census of Holyoke, Hampden County, MA (25 Apr 1910)
Thadeus Bessett 48 M VT CF CF Head
Amandee 47 F CF CF CF Wife
William 25 M MA VT CF Son
Doralla 23 F MA CF CF DauL
Estella 1 3/12 F MA MA MA Grdau.
Emile 24 M MA VT CF Son
& 1 lodger
(Married 26 years, 6 children, 2 living) (Living on Mosher Street)
1920 Federal Census of Holyoke, Hampden County, MA (7 Jan 1920)
William C. Bessett 34 M MA VT CN Head Policeman Police Force
Dorilla 33 F MA CF CF Wife
Thaddeus 10 M MA MA MA Son
William 7 M MA MA MA Son
Lorraine 4 F MA MA MA Daughter
Alexander 1 2/12 M MA MA MA Son
Thaddeus 54 M VT MA MA Father Proprietor Lunch Cart
Armada 58 F CF CF CF Mother
1930 Federal Census of Holyoke, Hampden County, MA (17 Apr 1930)
William C. Bessett 44 M MA VT CF Head Patrolman City
Dorilla 43 F MA CF CF Wife
Thaddius 19 M MA MA MA Son Chauffeur Wholesale Grocery
William 17 M MA MA MA Son Salesman Grocery Store
Loraine 13 F MA MA MA Daughter
Maurice 11 M MA MA MA Son
Leona 6 F MA MA MA Daughter
Estelle Gauthier 21 F MA MA MA Daughter
Maurice Gauthier 23 M MA CF MA SonL Paper Maker Paper Mill
Phyllis 10/12 F MA MA MA Grdau.
Amanda Bessette 66 F CF CF CF Mother (Wd)
(Married at 22 & 21) (Estelle and Maurice married at 20 & 21)
Springfield Republican, June 20, 1946
W.C. Bessette, Police Dept. Veteran, Dead
William C. Bessette, 61, of 28 Portland street, and a native of this city, died early this morning at the Holyoke hospital after a short illness. He has been a police officer in this city for 35 years, a member of the Holyoke Police association and also a member of Our Lady of Perpetual Help church.
He leaves his wife, Dorilla Lapointe Bessette, three sons, Thaddeus and William of this city, and Maurice of Fitchburg, three daughters, Mrs. Maurice Gauthier, Mrs. Albert Huber and Mrs. Rene Levellee, all of this city, nine grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. The funeral will be held at the Gingras funeral home, Friday morning at 8.30 with a solemn high mass of requiem in Perpetual Help church at 9. Burial will be in Notre Dame cemetery.