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- James Wellington Bassett was born about 1877 in Cowansville, Quebec, Canada. He was listed as the son of Wm. R. Bassett and Anna J. Steele in his marriage to Anna Gertrude Sullivan, daughter of Charles H. and Anna (O’Brian) Sullivan, on 4 Sep 1901. He was aged 25, she 22 at the time of the marriage. They were married by Henry Riegel, minister of the Gospel. He was living in Wilmington, Vermont and she was living in Cambridge, Massachusetts at the time of the marriage. Anna was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
1891 Canadian Census of Brome, Brome, Quebec
James Bassett 15 M Lodger QUE IRE QUE Church of England
1940 Federal Census of Holyoke, Hampden County, MA (15 Apr 1940)
William Bassett 35 M Head MA Same Cook Restaurant
Rose 40 F Wife MA Same Sewer Home Project
Boston Herald, Massachusetts, June 17, 1906
Fears Entertained That J.W. Bassett, Motorman, Has Killed Himself
James W. Bassett, a motorman on the Boston Elevated railroad, running from the Forest Hills stable, has been missing from his home since June 7, and fears are entertained that he is mentally deranged from overwork and has killed himself.
He has a wife and four little chileren. The eldest is a girl, who was 3 years old last march, and there are twin boys a little over 2 years old and an infant 2 months old. Mrs. bassett and her children are with her people at 33 West street, Cambridge.
Bassett is 29 years old, tall and well built, and has his name tattooed in full one one of his arms. He was a very steady man and very fond of his family. He has been working very had of late, frequently putting in 18 hours a day, and this leads the family to suspect that his mind is affected.