Bassett Family Association Database

George Washington Bass, Jr.

Male 1882 - 1940  (57 years)

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  • Name George Washington Bass 
    Suffix Jr. 
    Born 31 Dec 1882  Darlington County, South Carolina Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Male 
    _UID 7DD1D2DBE9E22542A8D3D1B2B9E35F254BE5 
    Died 16 Nov 1940  Florence County, South Carolina Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Buried Mount Elon Cemetery, Hartsville, Darlington County, South Carolina Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • 1900 Federal Census of Lydia, Darlington County, South Carolina (June 8, 1900)
      Catherine Bass (Widow) - 49 - Female - Dec 1850 - SC-SC-SC - Head
      Sallie - 20 - Female - Jul 1879 - SC-SC-SC - Daughter
      George - 17 - Male - Dec 1882 - SC-SC-SC - Son
      Ernest - 7 - Male - Mar 1893 - SC-SC-SC - Son

      The State
      Columbia, South Carolina
      Sunday, November 17, 1940
      George W. BasC, Hartsville, Dies
      Hartsville - November 16 - George W. Bass died Saturday morning at a Florence hospital after a few days’ illness.
      Mr. Bass was born and reared in Darlington County and was engaged in the mercantile business and also farming.
      Funeral services will be held at 3 o’clock Sunday afternoon from the Brow-Pennington Funeral home, conducted by his pastor, the Reverend A. C. McGee, pastor of Mount Elon Baptist Church. Interment will take place in the Mount Elon Church Cemetery.
      Surviving are his widow, who was before marriage Miss Mamie Young; also one son, G.W. Bass, Jr., and one small daughter, Ellen, and three brothers, E.T. Bass of Hartsville, Hood Bass and Henry L. Bass of Darlington County; four sisters, Mrs. W.H. Middleton of Chesterfield, Mrs. M.C. Galloway, Mrs. Wayne Galloway of Darlington County and Mrs. Lawton Dampier of Lee County.
      Mr. Bass was the son of the late George W. and Katherine Bass, pioneer citizens of Darlington County.
      Mr. Bass was a member of the Hartsville Masonic Lodge, No. 173, who will have charge of the services at the grave.

      Charleston News and Courier
      South Carolina
      Sunday, November 17, 1940
      George W. Bass
      Hartsville - November 16 - Special: George W. Bass died Saturday morning at a Florence hospital after a few days’ illness. Mr. Bass was born and reared in Darlington County and was engaged in the mercantile business and also farming.
      Funeral services will be held at 3 o’clock Sunday afternoon from the Brown - Pennington Funeral Home, conducted by his pastor, the Reverend A.C. McGee, pastor of Mount Elon Baptist Church.
      Surviving are his widow who was before marriage Miss Mamie Young, also one son, G.W., Jr., and one small daughter, Ellen, and three brothers, E.T. Bass of Hartsville; Hood, and Henry L. of Darlington County; four sisters, Mrs. W.H. Middleton of Chesterfield, Mrs. M. C. Galloway, Mrs. Wayne Galloway, of Darlington County and Mrs. Lawton Dampier of Lee County.
    Person ID I40280  1A William Bassett of Plymouth
    Last Modified 29 Oct 2019 

    Father George Washington Bass, Sr.,   b. Abt 1847, Darlington, Darlington County, South Carolina Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 1892, Darlington, Darlington County, South Carolina Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age ~ 45 years) 
    Mother Catherine B. Griggs,   b. Dec 1850, South Carolina Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Jan 1936  (Age ~ 85 years) 
    Family ID F13976  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Mamie Melleta Young,   b. 2 Aug 1892,   d. 28 Oct 1960  (Age 68 years) 
    Married 19 Jan 1915  Darlington County, South Carolina Find all individuals with events at this location 
    +1. George Washington Bass,   b. 26 Feb 1910, Florida Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 26 Nov 1982, Indian River, Florida Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 72 years)
     2. Living
    Last Modified 4 Nov 2019 
    Family ID F14194  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart