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Family tradition says brother was medical doctor in Pittsburg (no evidence found).
1879 Atlas of Jefferson Co KY has "Mullin" residence in Cane Run district just off Cane Run Road on (what is now) S. Crums Lane (near Greenville Lane).
1850-1854 on Franklin Co KY tax rolls (films 0007979 and 0007980); 3 children shown in 1854.
1855-1865 on Scott Co KY tax rolls (with brother Archie) (films 0008224 and 0008225); West side of Lexington and Covington Pike.
1855 no land, property, or children (6-18) shown.
1856 town lot in Georgetown ($200), no children (6-18) shown. 1857 no land, property, or children (6-18) shown.
1858 no land, property, or children (6-18) shown.
1859 no land, property, or children (6-18) shown.
1860 no land, 2 cattle, 5 hogs, 1 child (6-18).
1861 no land, 2 horses/mules, 2 cattle, 5 hogs, 1 child (6-18), 1 carriage ($20).
1862 no land, 2 horses/mules, 3 cattle, 10 hogs, 2 children (6-18).
1863 James not found.
1864 no land, 4 cattle, 6 hogs, 80 bu. wheat, 2 children (6-18).
1865 no land, 1 horse, 2 cattle, 10 hogs, 2 children (6-20), not in militia.
1866 and on, James not found in Scott Co. tax rolls (moved to Franklin, Owen or Jefferson Co?)
1867 Not found on Jefferson Co tax rolls (film 0008071) Jefferson Co, Southern district, not in city of Louisville (film 0008072):
1868 no land, 2 horses, in militia, 4 children (6-20), 4 hogs, 2 tons hay, 100 bu corn (p. 38 of Southern district rolls).
1882 Mullin family not found.
1883 James Mullin, teamster, resident in 2300 block between Magazine St and Broadway with Cassius Mullin (also a teamster, probably his son, James C. Mullin).
1884 James D. Mullin not found, but son, James C. Mullin, teamster, resident at 2329 Magazine St.
1885 James D. Mullin, teamster, resident at 2329 Magazine St with son James C. Mullin, teamster, and daughter Miss Arvina Mullin, teacher (actually, daughter was married Oct 1884).
1886 James D. Mullin, teamster, resident at 2321 Magazine St with daughter Mrs. Arvina McCormick, widow of Stephen. Son James C. Mullin no longer in Louisville directory from 1886 (died, moved?)
1887 James D. Mullin, teamster, resident at 2321 Magazine St with daughter Arvina McCormick, widow of Stephen T.
1888 James D. Mullin, teamster, resident at 2321 Magazine St with Thomas Claxon.
1889 James D. Mullin, tobacco drier, resident at 2321 Magazine St.
1890 James D. Mullin, teamster, resident at 2321 Magazine St with daughter Arvina McCormick (widow of Steven).
1891 James D. Mullin, teamster, resident at 2321 Magazine St with daughter Avenia McCormick (widow of Steven).
1892 James D. Mullin, driver, resident at 2403 Magazine St with daughter Arvenia McCormick.
1893 James D. Mullin, (no occupation listed), resident at 2321 Magazine St with daughter Venie McCormick (widow of Stephen).
1894 James D. Mullin, (no occupation listed), resident at 2326 Magazine St with daughter Venie McCormick (widow of Stephen), Harry L. Claxon, packer and Wm. T. Claxon, carpenter.
1895 James "B." Mullin resident at 2326 Magazine St with boarders Harry L. Claxon and Venie McCormack (Arvena Mullin).
1896 Sarah Mullen (so spelled), widow of James, residing at 1104 Hackney; also Sallie Mullen, widow of James at #B 2326 Magazine (probably same person listed twice). Also residing at 1104 Hackney is Arvena McCormick.
1897 Sarah Mullen (so spelled), widow of James, residing at 1104 Hackney (described as "between 11th & 12th, south of Jefferson, formally West Green"-this is present location of Baxter Park). Also residing at same location is Arvena McCormick.
1898 not found.
Louisville KY death record says died of apoplexy at age 68, residence 2326 Magazine, Louisville KY (Ward 12), buried at Cave Hill Cem. by undertaker Wyatt (per 1897 Louisville city directory, wife Sarah and daughter Arvena had moved to 1104 Hackney St, and a Mr. D. W. Kirkpatrick was living at 2326 Magazine). Buried in unmarked grave (section 6, range 148, grave 16) in Cave Hill Cemetery, Louisville. Undertaker was Wyatt (no longer in business, suceeded by Cralle, now Highlands Funeral Home, 3331 Tayorsville Rd, Louisville KY 40205).
1830 Franklin Co KY, age under 5, with parents.
1840 Franklin Co KY, age 10-14, with parents.
1850 Franklin Co KY, Dist 1, p. 23b, 313/313, age 21 KY, farmer, in household of parents.
1860 Owen Co KY, New Liberty P.O., dist. 2, p. 65, 473/456, age 33 KY, tenant farmer, with wife and children. Either on, or adjacent to, wife's mother's farm. Per census list, wife's brother and sister (James and Nancy J. CLAXTON) living next door.
1870 Jefferson Co KY, Shardines Pct (pp 21-22 (416)), age 42 born KY, tenant farmer (on Garr estate) with wife and children.
1880 Jefferson Co KY, Cane Run Dist, p. 1 (189A), SD2, ED97, age 57, farmer, with wife and children. Harry Claxton, age 9, enumerated with Mullin family as "Adt son" (adopted). Census says mother & father born in KY and mother and father of wife born in Ireland. Other evidence shows this to be reversed.
1883-1895 Living in Louisville, teamster (see Louisville City Directory).
On 3 Jul 1861, sold land he inherited from father (1/2 interest in father's 57 acre farm) in Franklin Co on Ky River to his brother Merritt J. MULLEN (who had inherited the other half) for $500 with understanding that their mother, Mary McMULLEN, widow of John McMULLEN, would hold a life estate (Franklin Co KY deed book 7, page 249). All names spelled MULLEN or McMULLEN on deed.
1871 James D. and Sarah A. Mullin sold 1/5 interest in 108 acres (Sarah's inheritance) to Levi Jones (Owen Co. Deed Book V, p 41).
1851, 17 Feb, Franklin Co, p. 248; James McMullen made motion to build road from Oakland Meeting House through lands of Wm Estes and Frank Matthews to the Scott Co line at Harts Branch, intersecting at that point the road from Stamping Ground to Owenton. Also see 17 Mar 1851 (p. 255) and 19 May 1851 (p. 262).
!BIRTH: Age 21 in 1850 census, 33 in 1860, 42 in 1870, 57 in 1880, 68 at death Jul 1895. Probably born in 1827.
!MARRIAGE: Microfilm of Henry Co KY Courthouse records, Marriage Licences and Bonds, 1843-1855, page 153, GS film #0829279. Copy in possession of MDM II.
!DEATH: Louisville KY death records, book 9, p. 65 (film 0209706).
!BURIAL: Records of Cave Hill Cemetery, Louisville, KY.